Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?

We had so much fun with our apple unit that we decide to use many of the same scientific ideas with our pumpkins!!  We compared the two FRUITS - yes, they are BOTH fruits - that information ended up on our RAN chart in our "New Information" box!!! And did some investigating of the outside of our pumpkins before we went elbow deep into the inside.  We enjoyed making some predictions about how many seeds would be in our pumpkin and then we dove in...

This is what we found -

Red - 117
Orange - 133
Yellow 418
Green 374
Blue - 0 - yes 0!!!  They then tried the smallest pumpkin in the room and found 179!!
Purple - 352

That's a lot of seeds!!!  1573 to be exact!!!

Of course we then had to see how it tastes so after we added some cinnamon and sugar - that always makes things taste better - we asked Miss Heidi in the kitchen to roast it for us.  Ask your child if they tried it and what they thought...

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