Tuesday, November 27, 2012

For the week prior to our Apple Family Literacy event, we enjoyed many inquiry based activities having to do with apples. We started our "Scientific Study" of apples by completing the first part of our RAN chart..."What do we think we know?" and boy did we know a lot!!! We then read lots of books and moved our sticky notes of information to "Confirmed" or added new sticky notes to "New Information"- WOW!!  We sure did get smarter!!!

We spent time investigating the outside of the apple and added some "Wonderings" to our chart - "Will the apple sink or float?", "What are the white dots on the apple?", "Are the seeds slimmy?" Of course we also had to investigate the inside of the apple - dissecting! and TASTING!!

 We created a class model of the apple and labeled the parts, made our own labels - just like scientists! and created our own small models and attached the labels. Such great scientific work!!!

 Our Science Work Station:

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