Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Apples, Apples, Everywhere!!!

We had a wonderful time at the Apple Family Literacy Event last week!! We enjoyed getting to meet grandparents, aunts, and friends. So glad that you could all make it and hope you enjoyed the special time with your children. The kids enjoyed so many activities during the event...please enjoy the video slideshow of pictures!
For the week prior to our Apple Family Literacy event, we enjoyed many inquiry based activities having to do with apples. We started our "Scientific Study" of apples by completing the first part of our RAN chart..."What do we think we know?" and boy did we know a lot!!! We then read lots of books and moved our sticky notes of information to "Confirmed" or added new sticky notes to "New Information"- WOW!!  We sure did get smarter!!!

We spent time investigating the outside of the apple and added some "Wonderings" to our chart - "Will the apple sink or float?", "What are the white dots on the apple?", "Are the seeds slimmy?" Of course we also had to investigate the inside of the apple - dissecting! and TASTING!!

 We created a class model of the apple and labeled the parts, made our own labels - just like scientists! and created our own small models and attached the labels. Such great scientific work!!!

 Our Science Work Station:

Monday, November 26, 2012

Princesses and Witches and Spiderman, Oh My!!

FINALLY was able to have the technical difficulties with the Halloween video worked out...it was such a fun party!!! Thank you to Jennifer S., Ellen H., and Jill B. for all your work and to Heather C. for taking pictures to share.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Science Experiment!

On Friday morning we met with our second grade reading/science buddies in Miss T's class for the first time! We worked with our buddy to cut out two paper ghosts and then conducted some very scientific experiments to see how we could make changes to our ghosts to get them to spin. We first tried just dropping our ghosts, we then added a paperclip to the bottom to see if weight might help, next we bent the arms - one forward and one back while keeping the paperclip on the bottom, last we bent both arms forward.
We used lots of great describing words: float, spin, fast, slow, medium, glide - and we had lots of scientific ideas about why making changes to the ghosts arms and adding the paperclip helped to make the ghost spin. The kids were even able to tie their thinking into what they know about fans, swimming, and air movement!! Miss T and I were quite impressed with their predictions, observations, analysis, and conclusions. The kids brought their ghosts home so that they can share their learning with you!

We Love Acting Out Stories!

On Wednesday we had a fun morning as we acted out the story "The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything!" Miss M. from the Drama Department at the middle school visited our room with some fun props and we all became a part of the story... IN played our Little Old Lady, BW and MC played the shoes that went "clomp, clomp", LB and IR played the pants that went "wiggle, wiggle", and LB and JH played the shirts that went "shake, shake"!
NT and RG played the white gloves that went "clap, clap" and EL and MB played the hats that went "nod, nod". The class played the very huge and scary pumpkin heads that went "Boo! Boo!"
If the Little Old Lady wasn't afraid...then who was? Ask your child about this fun story!!

Our First Word Family!

We started our busy week learning about our first Word Family! To fit in with Halloween we worked on the '-at' family. We learned how all the words that "live" in the '-at' family house have the same ending. We generated a big list of words and then created our spooky bat hats with wiggly eyes. Don't we look great?!?!